Full-length paper submission deadline extended to 24 March 2023

Dear colleagues,
The organizers would like to thank all those who have shown such high interest in TISDIC 2023. Due to many requests, the full length-paper submission deadline has been extended two weeks more, until 24 March 2023.
Please follow the complete instruction available at https://tisdic2023.dut.udn.vn/full-length-paper-submission for the submission, and please also strictly follow the sample paper provided by the TISDIC 2023 editor board (https://tisdic2023.dut.udn.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/TISDIC2023_IOPMSE_Template.rar).
We have started with the peer review process to meet the rest of the deadlines. Results of this process you can follow up on the Morressier management system.
Based on the new schedule, the early bird registration is also extended to 2 June 2023.
If you have any queries or questions, please get in touch with TISDIC 2023 Secretariat: tisdic2023@dut.udn.vn.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and meeting you in the beautiful Da Nang city.
Yours Sincerely,
Conference Chair(s)
Prof. Rafat Siddique; Senior Professor of Civil Engineering & Dean Research and Sponsored Projects at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Patiala, India
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hong Hai; Vice Rector of The University of Danang – University of Science and Technology